فلسطينيون ينبشون القبور المؤقتة أملًا في العثور على جثامين أحبائهم المفقودين زفيريف يودع بطولة ميونخ للتنس ساعدت الحوثيين.. عودة سفينة تجسس إيرانية إلى البلاد بعد 3 سنوات من إرسالها مقتل شخص شمال العراق بهجوم نفذته مسيرة تركية إطلاق عاصفة الكترونية رافضة تمديد بيع الخمور بعد منتصف الليل هنية يصل إلى تركيا على رأس وفد من قيادة الحركة التنمية تضبط متسوّل يمتلك سيارتين حديثتين ودخل مرتفع بحوزته 235 دينارا في الزرقاء "القدس الدولية": منظمات متطرفة ترصد 50 ألف شيكل لمن يقدم "القربان" في الأقصى استشهاد طفل برصاص الاحتلال في مخيم طولكرم الصفدي في اتصال مع نظيره الإيراني: الأردن لن يسمح بخرق اجوائه من قبل ايران او (إسرائيل) نائب محافظ البنك المركزي المصري: ملتزمون بسعر صرف مرن روسيا.. أكبر مورد للنفط إلى الهند للعام الثاني على التوالي منغوليا تدفن 7 ملايين رأس ماشية مصر تعتزم خفض أسعار الخبز غير المدعم بما يصل إلى 40% "الاتحاد للطيران" تعلن عودة رحلاتها إلى العمل بصورة طبيعية

القسم : Al-Haqeqa in English
نبض تيليجرام فيس بوك
نشر بتاريخ : 26/05/2017 توقيت عمان - القدس 12:37:05 AM
U.S.: Airstrike chain reaction led to over 100 civilian deaths in Mosul
U.S.: Airstrike chain reaction led to over 100 civilian deaths in Mosul

U.S. Central Command on Thursday said more than 100 Iraqi civilians in Mosul died in March after a U.S.-led coalition airstrike targeting two Daash snipers detonated other explosives.

The incident occurred at about 8 a.m. on March 17 in Mosul's al-Jadidah district after Iraqi security forces fighting the Daash on the ground requested a coalition airstrike.

CENTCOM said the international coalition fighting the Daash, also called ISIS, ISIL or Daesh, concluded an investigation and "found that the secondary explosion of ISIS-emplaced material triggered a rapid failure of the structure which killed the two ISIS snipers, 101 civilians sheltered in the bottom floors of the structure and four civilians in a neighboring structure."

CENTCOM said 36 other civilians who are in some way associated with the building remain missing.

"Our condolences go out to all those that were affected," Maj. Gen. Joe Martin, commanding general of the Combined Joint Task Force: Operation Inherent Resolve anti-Daash coalition, said in a statement. "The coalition takes every feasible measure to protect civilians from harm. The best way to protect civilians is to defeat ISIS."

Investigators in post-explosive analysis found residues common to explosives used by the Daash but that were not consistent with the explosive content found in the GBU-38 precision-guided munition used in the airstrike.

Weapons and structural experts then concluded based on modeling that the structural damage to the building occurred in a location other than where the airstrike occurred and that the explosive damage that resulted could not have been caused by a single GBU-38 missile, CENTCOM added.

"The coalition selected a single GBU-38 precision-guided munition as the most appropriate and proportionate means of engagement to neutralize the threat and to minimize collateral damage," CENTCOM said. "The GBU-38's detonation, localized to the top floor of the structure, ignited a large amount of explosive material which, unknown to the coalition, ISIS fighters had previously placed in the house."

Iraq's military previously said explosives rigged by the Daash -- rather than airstrikes -- killed the civilians in the incident.


Friday, May 26, 2017 - 12:37:05 AM
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